Fiscal information can include general ledger accounts, reports, income statements, balance sheets, and statements of retained earnings. Fiscal information is classified using codes. The use of codes helps the government to process information, prepare for electronic filing, and validate tax information electronically. The use of codes also helps statistical organizations to work more efficiently, as financial information is more readily available. For more information, see the Canada Revenue Agency website.
The Canada Revenue Agency uses General Index of Financial Information (GIFI) codes to collect, validate, and process financial and tax information electronically. It is a best practice to assign GIFI codes only to posting accounts, so that all totaling is done by your tax preparation software.
When an account is associated with a GIFI code, it is reported to the revenue agency under that code. Multiple accounts can all have the same GIFI code, but each account can have only one GIFI code.
You can export balance information by GIFI code and save the exported file in Excel, which is useful for transferring information to your tax preparation software.
In Business Central , you must set up GIFI codes for general ledger accounts, reports, balance sheets, income sheets, and statements of retained earnings.
To report financial information by GIFI code, each GIFI code must be associated with the appropriate accounts in the chart of accounts.
You can review your account balances by GIFI code by using the Account Balances by GIFI Code report.
You can export balance information using GIFI codes and save the exported file in Excel. You can modify, save, or delete the file. You can use the file to transfer information to your tax preparation software.
The Excel file has the following characteristics:
Canada Local Functionality
Setting Up Finance
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