How to Print VAT Reports | Microsoft Docs

You can use the following reports for VAT reporting:

To print the day book VAT entry report

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Day Book VAT Entry, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Options FastTab, fill in the field as described in the following table.

    Field Description
    Show Amounts in Add. Reporting Currency Select to show amounts in the report in additional reporting currency.
  3. Choose the Print button to print the report or choose the Preview button to view it on the screen.

To print the day book customer ledger entry report

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Day Book Cust. Ledger Entry, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Options FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description
    Print Cust. Ledger Details Select to display the customer ledger entries.
    Print G/L Entry Details Select to display the general ledger entries.
  3. Choose the Print button to print the report or choose the Preview button to view it on the screen.

To print the unposted sales report

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Unposted Sales, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Options FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description
    Show Select the details that you want in the Unposted Sales report.
    Show Amounts in LCY Select to show amounts in the report in local currency.
  3. Choose the Print button to print the report or choose the Preview button to view it on the screen.

To print the day book vendor ledger entry report

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Day Book Vendor Ledger Entry, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Options FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description
    Print Vend. Ledger Details Select to display the vendor ledger entries.
    Print G/L Entry Details Select to display the general ledger entries.
  3. Choose the Print button to print the report or choose the Preview button to view it on the screen.

To print the unposted purchases report

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Unposted Purchases, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Options FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description
    Show Select the details that you want in the Unposted Purchases report.
    Show Amounts in LCY Select to show amounts in the report in local currency.
  3. Choose the Print button to print the report or choose the Preview button to view it on the screen.

See Also

United Kingdom Local Functionality

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