You use the configuration questionnaire to help reduce your implementation workload by streamlining the task of setting up the new company. You can generate the configuration questionnaire in Business Central and then provide it to your customer as an Excel or XML file.
You can change all default values in a questionnaire to more closely match customer needs.
For more information about defining setup values in supply planning fields, see Setup Best Practices: Supply Planning.
When your customer completes the questionnaire, you import the file into the customer's new Business Central company. You and your customer validate the questionnaire answers before you apply them to the company.
You can use a questionnaire to help you determine the scope and needs of configuration. You can create a new questionnaire, or modify an existing questionnaire by adding new questions or question areas.
You can create questionnaires for setup-type tables only. For example you can use the tool to provide information to the following pages:
To see a complete list of setup tables, choose the icon, enter Setup, and then choose the related link. To determine the scope of migration of records data, use migration functionality. For more information, see Migrating Customer Data.
You can rephrase the label to make it clear how the question should be answered. For example, if a field is called "Name," you could edit it to state "What is the name of ." You can also provide guidance in the Reference field, including a URL to a page that provides additional information.
You can also delete any questions that you do not want to include in the questionnaire. The Answer Option field describes the type and format of the answer of the data that is appropriate. The Answer field contains user-supplied information. As needed, you can also define default answers in the Answer field. These values are used by default for custom setup. However, the person filling in the questionnaire can modify and update the answer. You use the configuration questionnaire to structure and document a detailed discussion about the customer’s specific needs. You also use it to collect setup data from the customer to configure the relevant Business Central
setup tables, such as the general ledger, inventory, and customers. You can also create your own configuration questionnaire to meet your needs. The following procedure provides an alternative way of accessing configuration questionnaires. It assumes that the configuration package that you have been provided includes questionnaires. It is important to validate the configuration questionnaire before you apply it to the Business Central
format. It is also a way to make sure that data formatting is preserved during the import from Excel. A common validation task is to check that text strings are not entered in date fields. This review process is necessary because the format of the answer in the questionnaire is not validated automatically when you run the Apply Answers function. In general, validation of the configuration questionnaire is a manual process. However, there are checks for regional formatting inconsistencies. In addition, you will get errors if the structure of your Business Central
database does not match the structure of the migration database. When you have completed your validation, the data is ready to be applied to the database. After you have imported and validated information from a configuration questionnaire, you can transfer, or apply the setup data to the corresponding tables in the Business Central
database. You have now configured setup with the customer’s business information and rules.NOTE
To complete the configuration questionnaire
icon, enter Configuration Questionnaire, and then choose the related link.
To complete a questionnaire from the configuration worksheet
To validate the configuration questionnaire
To apply answers from the configuration questionnaire
icon, enter Configuration Questionnaire, and then choose the related link. The Config. Questionnaire page opens.
To verify that answers have been applied successfully
icon, enter the name of the setup page, and then choose the related link.
See Also
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