Design Details - Inventory Periods | Microsoft Docs

Backdated transactions or cost adjustments often affect balances and stock valuations for accounting periods that may be considered closed. This can have adverse effects on accurate reporting, especially within global corporations. The Inventory Periods feature can be used to avoid such problems by opening or closing inventory periods to limit posting in a set period of time.

An inventory period is a period of time, defined by an ending date, in which you post inventory transactions. When you close an inventory period, no value changes can be posted in the closed period. This includes new value postings, expected or invoiced postings, changes to existing values, and cost adjustments. However, you can still apply to an open item ledger entry that falls in the closed period. For more information, see Design Details: Item Application.

To make sure that all transaction entries in a closed period are final, the following conditions must be met before an inventory period can close:

See Also

Design Details: Inventory Costing Managing Inventory Costs Finance
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