This planning task can be performed on the Order Planning page, which displays all new demand along with availability information and suggestions for supply. It provides the visibility and tools needed to effectively plan demand from sales lines and component lines and then create different types of supply orders directly.
You can enter the Order Planning page in two ways depending on your focus: From an order that you want to plan for specifically or in batch mode because you want to plan for all and any new demand.
The page displays planning lines according to the view filter Production Demand, meaning unfulfilled component lines of all existing production orders. Demand for only the one production order is not shown because it is necessary to plan for one production order with an overview of demand for potentially earlier components lines. Planning lines for the production order in context are expanded.
For each expanded planning line, that is, demand line, you can see values in information fields at the bottom of the page.
Option | Description |
Qty. on Other Locations | Shows if the item exists on another location. You can then look up and select it. |
Substitutes Exist | Shows if a substitute item is created for the item. You can then look up and select it. Note that this feature only applies to components, that is, from demand lines of type Production. |
Quantity Available | Shows the total availability of the item, that is, the Projected Available Balance. |
Earliest Date Available | Shows the arrival date of an inbound supply order that can cover the needed quantity on a date later than the demand date. |
In the Replenishment System field, select which type of supply order to create.
The default value is that of the item card, or SKU card, but you can change it to one of three options:
Option | Description |
Purchase | Creates a purchase order. |
Transfer | Creates a transfer order. |
Prod. Order | Creates a production order. |
In the Supply From field you must select a value according to the selected replenishment system.
If the field is not filled in, the system will display an error message when you use the Make Supply Order function, and no supply order will be created for the planning line in question. This, however, is not the case if the replenishment system is Prod. Order.
From the Supply From field, you can look up in the relevant list and select where the supply should come from:
In case the item exists in another location, the Qty. on Other Location field at the bottom shows a value and you can then look up and select the location from which the item should be supplied when you make the transfer order.
If a substitute exists for the demanded item, the Substitute Exists field is set to Yes, and you can then look up to the Item Substitution Entries page and select the substitute.
Select the Reserve check box if you want to make a reservation between the supply order you are creating and the demand line that it is created for. It is empty by default.
You can only select this check box if the item has Optional or Always in the Reserve field on its item card.
In the Qty. to Order field, you can enter the quantity that will go on the supply order you are creating.
The default value is the same quantity as that in the Needed Quantity field. But you may decide to order more or less than this quantity based on your knowledge of the demand situation. If, for example, you see on the Order Planning page that several unrelated demand lines are for the same purchased item, and they are due around the same date, you can consolidate these by entering the total needed quantity in the Qty. to Order field of one line, and then delete the other, obsolete planning lines for that item.
In the Due Date and Order Date fields, you can enter the dates that should apply to the created supply orders.
These two fields are interrelated according to the Default Safety Lead Time field, which can be found on the Manufacturing Setup page. By default, the due date is the same as the demand date, but you can change this as you like.
If you enter a date later than the demand date, you will receive a warning message.
On the Make Supply Orders page, on the Order Planning FastTab, in the Make Orders for field, select one of the following options.
Option | Description |
The Active Line | Make a supply order only for the line where the cursor is placed. |
The Active Order | Make supply orders for all lines in the order where the cursor is placed. |
All Lines | Make supply orders for all lines on the Order Planning page. |
On the Options FastTab, define what kind of supply orders, or requisition worksheet lines, should be made.
The settings you last made on the Make Supply Orders page will be saved under your user ID so that they are the same the next time you use the page.
Choose the OK button to make the suggested supply orders or requisition worksheet lines.
You have now planned for the unfulfilled demand by making respective supply orders. Details about specific work flows when using the Order Planning page would depend on a company’s internal policies.
When you have finished your planning work on the Order Planning page, for example defined an alternative way to supply the quantity, you can proceed to create supply orders for one or more of the planning lines.
The supply orders you create may introduce new dependent demand, for example for underlying production orders, and you should therefore choose Calculate Plan again to find and resolve this before moving down the list.
Setting Up Manufacturing
Design Details: Supply Planning
Setup Best Practices: Supply Planning
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